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AngelPollenation, Indie Hackers, and Minnesota’s IoT Hack Day 2019 logo

Still reminiscing on Twin Cities Startup Week 2019? Here are three events happening this week to keep your momentum and motivation going.

AngelPolleNation Autumn Event
AngelPolleNation is a quarterly event that brings together a community with a common interest in early stage investing. They aim to foster awareness, communication and education among solo investors, informal investment clubs and organized angel investment groups. At this Tuesday’s event Dr. Brian Van Ness, a professor of genetics, cell biology and development at the University of Minnesota, will discuss investments in personalized medicine.

Find the event here. 

Indie Hackers Minneapolis October Show and Tell
This time we’re going to do a classic show and tell. Bring your laptop and be ready to show what you’re working on and talk about it in front of the other attendees. Ten minutes max on presentations and then a couple minutes for questions.

This is low stress, you’re not selling to anyone, think of this like talking to a camera. Talking about your project with people who aren’t involved can bring amazing insights that you can take home and put directly to use to make your product, landing page, or sales pitch even better.

Find the event here

IoT Hack Day 2019
IoTHackDay is Minnesota’s annual free hack day for inventors and hobbyists working on the Internet of Things happening from 8 am – 8 pm. Lunch and dinner are provided. Do you have kids that would like to get “hands-on” learning programming and building fun and exciting projects with lights? For $20 you can join the LED Costumes event going on during IoTHackDay. This is a separate event for kids, yourself or anyone else in your family to attend.

Find the event here. 


Find more events on our calendar here.

Jac Stark
Jac is a self-proclaimed MN tech and startup hype girl and has a knack for curating Twin Cities outings.