News – The First FuckUp Nights Twin Cities Was a F**king Hit

Written by Alex Skjong | Mar 6, 2020 2:01:38 PM

Excuse our language for a moment.

Everyone fucks up. Period.

The real beauty of that fact is that even our most massive fuckups can be turned into fuel for inspiration. Never was that more apparent than during the first FuckUp Nights (FUN) Twin Cities event sponsored by WeWork and hosted by

The global movement of embracing and learning from failure finally hit Minnesota on March 5, and we couldn’t have asked for a better trio to for the inaugural lineup of speakers — Twila Dang (Founder/CEO of Matriarch Digital), Yu Sunny Han (Founder/CEO of Fulcrum), and Giselle Ugarte (Director of Marketing at Media Bridge Advertising, Motivational Speaker and Executive Coach), with Sarah McNally, CEO of TransForm Corporation, serving as MC for the evening.

Each speaker shared vulnerable tales about the many personal and professional struggles they’ve encountered during their entrepreneurial ventures. No bluster. No peacocking. Just open and honest stories about the challenges of dealing with failures and the strength you can find when you make it through the other side.

Watch the entire presentation and stayed tuned — there are more FUN Twin Cities events on the way!

If your company is interested in sponsoring a FUN Twin Cities event, fill out our sponsorship interest form.

Photos courtesy of Valerie Lockhart. Top: Speakers Twila Dang, Yu Sunny Han, and Giselle Ugarte. Side: MC Sarah McNally