News – A Workday With Mollie Krengel of Wild Bum

Written by Alex Skjong | May 7, 2020 12:35:19 PM

Biology, psychology, and dance. Those are the three things that sparked Mollie Krengel’s passion for entrepreneurship. Now, she blends insatiable wanderlust with a desire to create community as the founder of Wild Bum. She also has a pretty adorable dog. A non-sequitur? Yes. Important? Also yes.

This is A Workday With Mollie Krengel, founder of Wild Bum.

 Tell us a little about your background and how you got to where you are today.

Mollie Krengel

For me, living with more meaning is not only a passion, I have made it my life’s work.

Applying my degree in Human Biology, certificate in Positive Psychology, and lifelong practice of dance, I first founded a grassroots and growing community called Wildhive in 2015. A collection of mini adventures that unite community and bring play back into people’s lives. Wildhive evolved into annual women’s philanthropic adventures, combining the magic of travel, dance and meaningful volunteer work abroad.

Never more energized than when I travel, I believe in the physiological, physical, and mental benefits of travel. I have a deep yearning to encourage everyone to experience its life-changing ways.

Understanding that there was likely a community who, like me, geeks out over travel research, I sought to create a beautiful platform that brings passionate travelers together and, thus, Wild Bum was born. Now, through Wild Bum, I share my enthusiasm for travel, while creating a community to help people sell their hard-earned travel research and help those who find travel planning completely overwhelming. Wild Bum has become a global community of Guide Architects + travel-aspirers, founded on adventure, and living with more meaning.

I am deeply supported by my best friend and husband, Roy, and a mom to three spirited kiddos living in Minneapolis (and jetting off whenever we can!). A Guide Architect on Wild Bum myself, I am always dreaming of travel, dancing with my friends, and sparking up conversations with strangers.

What time do you rise and shine?

It varies, but I’d say I typically wake up around 7/7:30 a.m.

What do you usually eat for breakfast?

Well, a little fun fact — I rarely go a day without peanut butter! It’s my fave food (next to high quality dark chocolate. In fact, they make the best combo of all time!). But, I usually alternate between a hearty breakfast of scrambled eggs, arugula, and a slice of Levain from my favorite bakery, Rustica, and of course, as much peanut butter as is acceptable 😉 Or, I have original oatmeal with a tablespoon of peanut butter and organic berries.

What’s the first work-related task you tackle each morning?

Checking my emails.

What is your workspace setup?

When I am working from home, I am set up in my home-office with both my laptop and desktop. I am usually jotting down notes, and if I am being completely honest, organization is not my strong suit! I also love finding a cozy table to work from at Tao Natural Foods, Brim or Rustica. Those are my go-tos.

What’s the most interesting/fun/meaningful thing on your desk?

I have a sticker that reads “community” on my computer. At the core of everything I do is connection and community. Those are what drive me.

What’s one piece of tech you can’t live without?

Lately, with everyone home, I am often not without my Beats or AirPods.

What do you need to get done before lunch to feel like you had a productive morning?

Workout and check a few things off my to-do list.

What are you listening to these days?

Oh everything! I have several playlists on Spotify — #wildbumming and Wildhive. The conduit for Wildhive is music and dance. I am always listening to music and love most genres. Anything that has a good beat and makes me feel some type of way. The only genre I am not as into would be country music.

What is your current TV obsession?


What’s the last movie you saw and what would you rate it (out of five stars)?

My 4th grader is reading “The Hobbit” for his reading class so we just finished re-watching The Hobbit trilogy. Love it. It was so fun for all of us. 5 out of 5. Plus, it helped fuel our wanderlust for a little bit.

What book would we find on your nightstand?

As an entrepreneur, many people can relate to the constant thoughts racing through your head. To give myself a break from the typical personal development or business book, I have been on a fiction kick. Gives my brain a much-needed escape. I recently read “Such a Fun Age” by Kiley Reid and am currently reading “We Ride Upon Sticks” by Quan Barry.

Cats or dogs?


The best part about living in Minnesota is…

The summer, duh. And being in a great home base to get away during winter. I hate the cold.

How do you fend off the post-lunch lull?

I try not to force anything. I prefer to work when I am feeling inspired. Usually when I am excited about what I am doing, I don’t often feel a post-lunch lull. Or, if I am just not into it, I give myself time to take a break and start again later or the next day. I don’t hold typical “office hours.”

What do you use to stay organized during a hectic day?

Good old hand-written to-do list. And, my iPhone calendar.

What’s a recent work-related challenge you had to conquer? Walk us through your process.

Mollie and Vida.

I think we are all impacted by COVID-19, and no industry has been hit quite like the travel industry. Since we are relatively new, we are staying positive and enhancing our efforts to grow our amazing global community of Guide Architects. We’ve had to conquer the grim outlook and try to stay positive. Stay connected with our community and keep working on building a brand that people are proud to be a part of.

What’s the last work-related thing you do every day?

Check email 🙂

How do you decompress at the end of a long workday?

Spend time with my family. Admittedly, it’s hard for me to turn it off. It’s a practice. Usually I am ending the day eating with my fam, taking a kid to a sport practice, having conversations with my husband… We are both in the pursuit of living a life with more meaning. A glass of wine is always nice too 😉

What time do you usually hit the hay?

This is tough! I usually enjoy watching an episode of whatever show we are watching. I try to go to sleep by 11 p.m., but that’s usually on a good night!


Are you interested in joining the Wild Bum community as a Guide Architect? Get the details here.


Photos courtesy of Mollie Krengel.


If there’s a community thought leader or founder who you’d like to see featured in our “A Workday With—” series, contact us on Twitter @TECHdotMN or email with the subject line “A Workday With— Submission.”