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Community Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter


The murder of George Floyd is another tragedy in a heartbreakingly long list of black lives that have been extinguished by the brutal acts of police officers.

We unequivocally stand with the black community and demand justice. 

We are aware and ashamed has not always been a beacon of diversity and inclusion and do not stand by the words and actions of a previous owner. That individual is no longer a part of in any way.

We are committed to amplifying the stories, ideas, and talents of black and other minority entrepreneurs in the Minnesota startup and tech community. We will be doing a lot of telling, but please know we are also listening. Always. If you think we can do better, please tell us.

If you are interested in learning more about diversity and inclusion in tech and startup, consider supporting and connecting with great outlets such as Techquity, Graveti, and Hack the Gap.

If you are looking for ways to support the black and indigenous communities of Minnesota, Reclaim the Block — an organization dedicated to reallocating funds from police departments to other areas of community health and safety — has put together a wonderful list of organizations to consider.

Black Lives Matter.

Technology. Startups. Stories. Minnesota.