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Offers, Exclusives, Early Access membershipWith the trees slowly turning shades of red, yellow, and orange, it’s only fitting that we announce some changes happening with membership, too.

Over the past few months, we’ve been working to elevate the membership. We know you have a lot — a lot — of choices when it comes to membership opportunities, and we want to make sure your membership is a valuable addition to the roster.

That’s why we’re excited to unveil an entire suite of perks for members. These benefits will let you get the most out of not just but our community as well. Here’s a rundown of what you can expect from your membership. Membership Benefits


We’re partnering with local and national companies and products to deliver value straight to you. By becoming a member, you’ll gain access to a cavalcade of discounts, trials, and other deals sure to make your business and life run smoother.

Here’s just a sampling of the participating businesses:

  • Jell — A daily standup product for remote teams
  • Keen by HabitAware  — A smart bracelet for body focused repetitive behaviors (Minnesota company)
  • SalesReach — A sales enablement tool (Minnesota company)

These are just few highlights of this ever-growing collection. Job Board Discounts

If your business is seeking top talent, our job board is where you’ll attract it. By becoming a member, you’ll get discounts on postings, making that great hire one step closer.

Exclusive Content

What’s a membership without some VIP treatment? Our exclusive member content will include a bi-monthly newsletter packed with deals, member-only podcasts, and fun additions like member spotlights.

We’ll also be hosting a member-only live show called “ Office Hours.” More on that (very) soon.

Early Event Access

By becoming a member, you’ll get to jump to the front of the line when it comes to securing tickets to events such as our own F.U.N. Twin Cities or the Minnesota Startup Awards.


Ready to join? Become a member today!

Alex Skjong
Alex oversees the content produced for BETA, Twin Cities Startup Week, and When he’s not writing or editing, there’s a good chance he’s enjoying a refreshing brew and explaining the merits of heavy metal (of which there are many).