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The Podcast: Connecting Human Potential with Kris Eul of Kinetic

On this week’s episode, we are joined by Kris Eul, the Cofounder of Kinetic.

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Hype Time

Every episode we ask our guest to name drop someone doing cool things in the tech community. Kris gives a shout out to Charlie Lehmann, the Director of Customer Engagement at Kipsu.

Socials on Twitter
Kevin McArdle on Twitter
Jac Stark on Twitter
Kris Eul on Twitter
Kinetic on Twitter


Kinetic Website

About The Podcast

This is a podcast for tech and entrepreneurship in Minnesota. Kevin McArdle, owner of SureSwift Capital, and Jac Stark, Community Manager for set out to tell the stories of the individuals that make up the Minnesota tech and startup capital of the North. Join us every Tuesday as we interview people from across the ecosystem about their journeys.

Alex Skjong
Alex oversees the content produced for BETA, Twin Cities Startup Week, and When he’s not writing or editing, there’s a good chance he’s enjoying a refreshing brew and explaining the merits of heavy metal (of which there are many).